Monday, 4 January 2010

Punk Wisdom!


No one knows wots gunna happen to the climate , the earth & its weather are just to complex to accurately predict even if you knew what was gunna happen no one knows how we are going to respond to these future events.

The millions of people in Bangladesh & other low lying countries haven’t got time to even think about it they are too fucking poor to be concerned, they just use there instincts to survive on a day to day basis. That is the only thing we can be certain of humans are an extremely adaptable species we instinctively try to survive, I expect some of the peoples of the earth to perish its called evolution ( to coin a phrase thanx Maxz I will share the royalties with ur don’t worry).

Environmental change has been the most significant factor to affect human evolution so bring it on I say lets Av it”.


Saturday, 2 January 2010

The Pain Barrier

Some humans when they are exposed to emotional turmoil suffer from bouts of deep-seated unhappiness & depression. These emotional problems cause the human race as much if not more pain angst & sorrow than any physical attacks that occur to us. Why this is the case I’m not certain I do have some loose theories, however it doesn’t really matter why it is our response to emotional pain that is the important factor. When you feel rejected or angry & you have been hurt who causes the pain, when someone belittles you verbally over a long period , or another person try’s to control your actions through there over bearing persona, is it the other person who causes the negative emotional responses. Fear, anger, anxiety, unhappiness. There is no doubt that the aggressors negative energies are a significant factor, but by no means the whole story where does the inner pain & angst’s most people suffer from at some point in there life come from? The pain comes from within it is just there waiting for some nasty insecure person to bring into our consciousness.

The power to receive emotional pain comes from within us! Not from the aggressive controlling type who like to inflict there insecurities on other’s. Bully’s & controlling people have major fears & inferiority complex’s it is there weakness that controls there actions, it is our response to there actions that causes the pain. Who is at fault doesn’t really matter we can’t control other peoples thoughts & actions with any precision, but we can adapt & refine the way we respond to our emotional encounter’s with other humans. If we criticize or hate bully after years of deferring to there wishes what does this negative emotion do? It causes pain to ourselves, it takes us closer to there mentality to hate them is to become them. Certain types of demeanor attract these weak aggressor types it is strange how the attraction is often mutual put these personality types together you get torment & anguish on both sides. So what’s the answer to this paradox? The answer is to simply love your self to fully accept the person you are, the answer is not to seek solace & sympathy from others, the answer is to fully accept theses types for what they are weak minded. When you fully respect yourself your demeanor will naturally change your emotional response to others.

Controlling weak people will alter the way they interact with you, as will all people as you gain self respect, remember the pain comes from you not them they have no real power to inflict emotional pain . It is not easy to find true love & respect for yourself
I am beginning to find it myself through various different sources it must come from within to succeed; it is truly a marvelous feeling when gained some lucky persons are born with it. A negative response to this statement would be your right up your own arse mate! Does that make you happier to think like that, I very much doubt it, in fact I am certain negative comments to others create negative emotions within ourselves.

When you love & respect yourself your in a position to give love & happiness to others if you don’t love yourself you cannot love another person unconditionally, you cannot give what you haven’t got to give you cannot receive what you are unable to feel about yourself . To me self respect is the most important thing to strive for in life you cannot give love & respect in a truly altruistic manner if it is not there to give, by respecting yourself you are able to affect others by giving love & respect to them. It is a widely accepted fact humans are happiest when we help & give yourself freely to others. To love yourself is to heal yourself not an easy task I admit, but well worth it if you can achieve it. Take it from me!

Peter O’Brien 9.5.09

Sunday, 27 December 2009

An Ode To The Eco Warriors

Is it right to judge people who don’t conform to your view of the world and it’s resources. What gives some middle to high income humans of western Europe, Scandinavia , & north America the right to sit in judgement on the rest of the 5.999 billion people of this world (that ravage & pollute the earth! their words not mine). To me there is no right to judge, it is their economic situation witch allows them to have there narrow minded judgemental views. Much of middle England & the middle class have become like sheep in there attitude to recycling & the so called environmental disasters that await us, can’t you just wise up a bit & stop preaching it’s boring & futile. Environmental changes have been the main driving force in human evolution!

To me there is nothing on the earth that is solely man made or artificial. Within the natural world there are numerous substances that mix, recombine, & react to form different things gases, Solids , & liquids, many of these reactions are beneficial to life & D.N.A. replication, even the forest fires that kill everything in there path clear space & create a niche for new life to emerge, I.e. the replication of D.N.A. There are by products of these reactions witch are detrimental to the immediate life they encounter that become benign & eventually support new life an example would be a volcanic explosion or any other cataclysmic disaster for that matter. What about nuclear power you may ask ?(what powers the sun without it life cannot exist) . Radiation has the ability to change D.N.A. by mutation the so called natural world has been exposed to extremely large doses of radiation via cosmic collisions on numerous occasions resulting in large scale extinctions creating new niche’s for D.N.A. to mutate adapt & thrive.

Do you eco warriors really believe we have the power to & importance to wipe out life I.e. D.N.A. REPLICATION on this planet. I do concede you can look at humans as a pestulance no different from the locusts that ravage area’s of Africa , what should we do with these locusts, there actions are driven by there instincts to survive let them be I say nature will sort it out. When this world we occupy is no longer able to support D.N.A. replication any more do you really think we as humans have an affect on the matter I think you maybe suffering from illusions of grandeur!

I do not condemn recycling or green issues it is a good way to live necessary for survival in many places around the world you are not alone. You think you are leading by noble example that everyone must follow your ways or we are doomed. I just say to you live & let live nature will take it’s course will humans survive who knows does it really matter.